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Corel Kpt Collection For Mac


Please make sure that you are in Edit mode when using PaintShop Pro. Open an image and go to Effects - Plugins - KPT Collection and select the desired filter to be used. In the case that the KPT collection is not listed in Effects - Plugins, please go to Start - Control Panel - Add or Remove Programs (XP)/Programs and Features (Vista/Windows 7) and make sure that

Corel Kpt Collection For Mac

Plug-in sets often seem to fade in popularity over the years, but KPT is a collection that has endured the test of time. Kai's Power Tools had a humble beginning as an Internet graphics forum called "Kai's Power Tips and Tricks." In the forum, graphics guru Kai Krause presented a series of technical articles describing how to perform various forms of image enhancement. The forum eventually led to the release of "Kai's Power Tools 1.0", a set of graphic plug-ins that provide a powerful yet easy to use interface for reproducing many of the effects that were originally explained in Kai's forum.

The beauty of using the 3D Rotate tool is that you can move your image in 3D without entering complex coordinates or having to learn complex tools. All you have to do is click and drag your mouse over the 3D Rotate tool, or click the 3D Rotate tool once and then click and drag in the Preview window, and your photo is rotated and the display immediately updated with the result. The tool is so intuitive that there's really very little explanation required here. Simply click and drag upward, downward, left, right, or diagonally. My favorite effect is to click and drag to the right, and then click the tilting option on the Parameters panel. This instantly creates a 3D effect with a level of ease that I have not seen in any other similar program. On the Parameters panel, there is a single slider; it's used to adjust "Focal Length." Focal Length sets the overall depth of the 3D effect. A setting of 1 produces the most pronounced effect; a setting of 5 produces the mildest effect. I've found that for most images, settings in the range of 1.6 to 2.0 create the most impressive effect. Also note that on the Parameters panel, there are Standard and High Quality output options. If you're using a slower computer, you may prefer to use Standard while you're making adjustments. However, to produce the best quality end result, I recommend always using High Quality when you're done experimenting and ready to apply the adjustments you've made to your image. There are a total of 24 filters in the KPT Collection. Time and space obviously inhibit a look at all of them. However, I feel this overview of the Equalizer, Lens Flare, and Projector filters will have given you an idea of the power of this software package, and provided the fundamentals needed to use it efficiently. In this article I've focused on some of KPT Collection's photo editing filters, but no look at any KPT product would be complete without a quick glance at a KPT fractal filter. Fractal plug-ins have been present in KPT ever since Version 1. Fractals are images based solely on mathematical formulas, the beauty of working with fractals in KPT is that the interface hides the math from you, and replaces it with tools that enable those of us without doctorates in mathematics to work with these incredible images (#14). KPT Collection is available from Corel Corporation via Price: $99.99.

The ability to animate a scene was added (in a stable form) with the cross-platform Bryce 3D (version 3.1) in 1997 by the newly formed MetaCreations Corporation. A "camera object" unseen in the final image acted as the observer. The camera can be held in one place for a single image, or sent on a trajectory with images being rendered at many locations. The collection of images created along the camera's trajectory are combined to create a realistic animation simulating a journey through a dynamic world.[7]

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